Day 33

Loud chewing is one of the most obnoxious traits a person can have.
There is little worse than hearing someone sloppily working their
way through their food.
Unless you turn to rebuke them only to find yourself alone.
The chewing is just behind your left ear.
It is loud.
You yell STOP.
It stops.
You hear it swallow.
You hear something meaty tear just beside you.
The chewing begins anew.
You leap to your feet and walk quickly out of the room.
The chewing grows quiet.

Morbidly curious you move back into the room.
It is darker now.
You tread closely to the window.
To the source of the chewing.
You step in something wet.
It splashes up your leg.
Daring to look down you see blood.
the floor is covered in blood.
A wet chunk of something lands on your shoulder.
It is lifted up.
The chewing continues.
You stand frozen in fear as you hear it swallow loudly.

Searing pain then darkiness.

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