Day 45

Spirits are like flies.
Terrible at aiming, confused and easily trapped.
The most common place for them to be stuck is the
last place you'd think of.
In money.

Most people carry cash on them at all times.
As they die their spirit becomes trapped in whatever
material possession they last thought of.
It could be a photo of their family, their most
expensive item of clothing, anything.
Sometimes they get stuck in their murderers items.

Spirits stuck in money are the hungriest of souls.
Well maybe hungry isn't the right word...
Money attracts greed, possessed money detracts
from the owner.
Has your change gone missing? Your keys? Phone?
Has your money ever seemed hungry?

The more powerful ones can take more than your
petty cash.
Memories, abilities, identity.
They hunger.
Always so hungry.

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