I thought bringing an ouija board to the docks would be fun.
My friends thought it would be a laugh.
We broke into one of the old warehouses (in our defence the
door was falling off its hinges) and made it as "spooky" as
we could.
We even lit candles and drew a chalk circle around us.
We took turns asking ridiculous questions to the "ghosts"
all around us.
We moved the planchette jokingly from one letter to another
jokingly spelling out whatever we wanted.
Growing more daring we stopped touching the board altogether
and left the planchette to see if it could move on its own.
It did.
It started slowly, spelling out each of our names.
It used everyone's first name, but it somehow knew one of our
names in full.
My friend Elliott.
It knew her parent's full names too.
And her address.
She began screaming at us, saying we were freaking her out.
Nobody was touching the board though, we all had our hands in
plain sight.
She stepped outside of the circle and began ranting about how
immature we were for doing this and how unfair it was to pick
on her..
Then she froze.
Then she began to float.
Her neck snapped at an unnatural angle and she laughed.
It wasn't her normal laughter.
It wasn't her voice.
She looked at us.
All of her facial features were gone except a mouth.
A mouth full of teeth far too large for her head.
She headed towards us.
We sprinted out of there as fast as we could and called the police.
The found the ouija board covered in her blood but she was gone.
Every night since we've heard that laughter.
We've heard that voice asking us to come outside.
Its been getting closer.
I haven't heard from the others in months.
I'm going to open the door.
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