There were emergency doors all over the town.
Huge, red, heavily reinforced and always bolted shut.
Nobody quite knew why they were there.
You couldn't access them from the buildings or
pavements they were built into.
The keys to them were only rumoured to exist.
Sometimes people in suits were escorted through an
emergency door.
You can guess they were never heard from again.
I heard that if you go to a certain door in the road
behind the town hall and listen for long enough
you can make out voices.
Apparently they talk about the town's water supply,
seems they've been putting something in it.
Of course, nobody quite believes this.
They don't call it a lie though.
The last person who tried to test the water went
down an emergency door soon after.
A friend of mine claims she saw one of the doors
left wide open.
It was one of the pavement ones.
She dropped a penny down and never heard it hit the bottom.
Shining her phone's torchlight in she saw a ladder.
The rungs were sticky and rusted so she couldn't go down.
As she turned away a voice from behind her clearly said
"whatever you do don't drink the water".
Nothing was behind her but the open door.
Needless to say we've stopped using the water.
Buying bottles online works out surprisingly cheap!
The only thing is,since we stopped, we've noticed more open doors.
Its getting to the point where as we walk down the street they will open.
Nobody else notices or believes us.
Just what is in the water?
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