Day 209

Your boss had weird taste in mannequins.
You'd never say it to his face but you weren't the first to notice.
Customers always complained about the lingering smell.
Nobody but you figured it out.
And by god do you regret it.

The stockroom was under the shop, one of those always-cold basements.
For the first time your boss asked you to drop some new deliveries there.
It was early morning, the shop was nowhere near opening time.
So far the only people there were you, the boss and three other co-workers.

You were given the stockroom key and told roughly where to put the boxes.
There were only seven so it would be a quick job at least.
The door was stiffer than it looked, you had to prop it open with a chair.
You found the lightswitch after fumbling about,not that it helped much.
The bulbs really needed replacing, they kept flickering.

The boxes were fairly hefty, you could only do two at a time.
Heading through the storage area you found a bunch of broken mannequins.
You didn't notice anything unusual about them at first, things break in shops.
As you went to get the other boxes you saw a flicker of movement where the
disassembled dolls lay.

You figured it was just the lights playing tricks on your eyes.
The next boxes felt a tad heavier and smelt a little off, you made a mental note
to talk to the boss about fresh supplies, just in case someone got sick or something.
The mannequins looked more spread out, must be your imagination.
You swear you felt a hand brush past your back.

Three boxes left, one huge and two medium... right, save the huge for last.
Oh shit, one of the mediums is leaking, you grabbed that first and rushed to put it
down so you could clean up the spilt... blood?
As far as you knew your shop didn't stick raw meats, only some processed but
mostly vegetables and other fresh goods.

Best not to question it, just dump the boxes and go.
The mopping took no time at all and, thank god, the other boxes weren't leaking.
They smelt worse than the others though, like a really strong stench.
You held your breath as you took the other medium box through.
On your way back out you tripped over a doll arm that you swear wasn't there before.

The last box... the big one... this wouldn't be fun.
You just about had it in a weird, splayed position but it totally blocked your view.
Not that you needed to see in front of you,you could work out your way from the side shelves.
About halfway through you heard the door close, no biggie though, you still had the keys.

Wait, was that footsteps?
Did one of your co-workers follow you in here to freak you out?
Oh god, what if your boss had found out about the leak already!
You called out their names but nobody responded.

The footsteps ran towards you and stopped about a foot from where you stood.

You lowered the box to see who it was.

The mannequin just stood there, chest heaving.
It slowly reached towards its head and peeled the plastic face off revealing pulsating meat.
You dropped the box and frantically backed up into a hard surface.
Spinning around you saw the other broken mannequins.

They'd gotten into the boxes.

They were repairing themselves.

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