Day 295

She had no idea where the puddles of tar were coming from but she knew it had something to do with
her daughter's latest imaginary friend.

Tori was such an imaginative child and, to her mother's dismay, she seemed to have made a friend.
Made as in she said it existed and it seemed to be coming into existence.

Tori said her friend was way bigger than mum.
She felt smothered in her own home, like huge hands were pressing against her ribs.

Tori said her friend walked on the ceiling.
How was she putting those footprints there? How could she reach that high or make prints so big?

Tori said her friend was the one making those puddles, not her!
Those damned pools of tar, how was she doing this? Why were they getting bigger?

Tori said her friend liked to keep an eye on them.
Those damned eyes! They were always peering over her shoulder, darting away when she looked.

Tori said her friend was here to stay.

The eyes stopped darting away and started glaring at her, they were so big.

The piles of tar led right to her bedside, Tori's bed was covered in it now so they had to share.

The footprints could be seen walking across the ceiling,always above them.

Tori has made a friend.

They are here to stay.

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