Day 347

The room went dark as the play began, the stench of iron filled the air.
It was meant to be a play about 19th century French ballet but they were now half an hour in
and not a single actor had appeared on stage, they'd only heard chanting and rhythmic steps.
As people began to leave the curtains raised to reveal nine dancers dressed in nearly all white.

The actors moved brutally about the stage, flinging their frail selves to and fro as they sang.
Their shoes were dark red, a red that had seeped up their white tights and onto the floor around.
Each one looked to be in agony as their chant increased in volume and their feet splashed.
Suddenly they broke off, tiptoeing away leaving one dancer behind.

She struggled to stay on point for a few minutes more before collapsing altogether.
Dancers came pouring in holding daggers, singing about "slaying the weak to spare the rest".
The poor dancer began to cry, trying desperately to stand up and continue dancing.
Each time her legs collapsed beneath her, the floor too slippery with blood.

They circled her like vultures as she eventually forced herself to her feet once more, screaming
as her ankles broke with a startlingly loud SNAP.
She continued to dance like that for another hour, face contorting between joy and agony.
The other dancers continued to prowl around her all the while, daggers sweeping past her.

The second she began to slow they would leave shallow cuts along her arms and torso.
Half way through the second act she was dragged off and replaced by another.
This substitute lasted minutes before the others surrounded her, stamping in unison.
By the time they were done you couldn't tell that she'd even been human.

It felt like an eternity before the play was finally over and the actors took their bows.
She came out last, being dragged by two others as her head lolled between them.
Shakily she stood and smiled, bowing once before slowly falling off stage.
Paramedics said she'd been dead for at least twelve hours, the dancers only said:

The show must go on.

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