Day 358

As she waited doors opened and closed towards the end of the corridor.
At first they were quiet, cautious even, handles clicking softly and doors grazing shut.
She must have spent a good ten minutes listening to the unseen person trying to be so quiet.

Curiosity is a dangerous thing mind you, yet there she was hesitantly standing.
This unseen person has piqued her interest and their near silence was strange in such an environment.
Though it was early in the day, one would think that a university would have more people around.

She walked towards the end of the tiny passageway she had been waiting in and held her breath.
Whoever had been opening the doors stopped, the door's hinges protested at being held open.
They slowly shut the door, its old frame filling the hallway with deafeningly loud screeching.

She sighed in relief, though unsure as to why she was relieved.
Just as the tension in her shoulders had drained the next door was yanked open and slammed shut.
They had stopped trying to be quiet as their footsteps thundered down the hallway.

Doors were heaved open and slammed shut as they drew closer towards her.
She ducked back into the short passageway, frantically trying to think of a way to escape.
There were two doors on either side of her - one locked,the other leading to a series of open rooms.

There must be somewhere to hide in there, though they were only separated by curtains.
A table behind stacks of chairs was her best bet, the rest of the rooms were utterly empty.
She hoped whoever was slamming the doors grew bored before they reached her refuge.

Crouched down and trying not to breathe too loudly, her heart pounded in time to the closing doors.
They were so close now, she could hear them breathing in the passageway outside.
After a moment of silence the sound of heavy boots kicking wood belted her eardrums.

Seems the locked door was only making them worse.
Sharp splintering filled the air as the door finally gave way and they moved to the next one.
It slammed into the wall just like the others, dislodging small chunks of plaster in its wake.

For the first time she could see the feet that had been thundering towards her.
They were encased in large worker's boots, following the line of their legs up she saw blood.
So much blood - their legs were practically torn to shreds, how were they even walking?

If she looked closely enough she could see bone poking out in several places.
She didn't realise how long she'd been staring at them, they should have moved on to the next door.
They hadn't lingered since she first tried to peer around the corner.

Slowly they stepped towards her hiding spot, standing right in front of the chair stacks.
They crouched, or rather their legs collapsed like a well folded map and they sank down.
Their torso was just as bloodied as their legs, if not more so.

She couldn't see their face but their lower jaw was entirely gone leaving half a tongue sticking out.
They only had one arm which looked to have been reattached to the centre of their chest.
It began to reach out, jerking and twitching, hitting the chairs on either side before finding her.

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