Day 473

It never left the tree by the river, It swung through the branches but never touched the ground.
Some of the kids in the other class said they'd heard It speak.
Our teacher tried to get It to talk to us but It just smiled so we had to run.
You always run when it smiles.

I always thought it strange that  we ran when the creature smiled.
Its' mouth ran the length of its stubby torso so technically It never smiled, just opened up.
I've never seen it open Its mouth as wide as it did that day though.
So very wide, It could have held one of us standing between Its' teeth.

Perhaps that's why the adults ignored It, they were too big for It to eat.
But we weren't, we were just the right size and It knew.
That would explain why It stayed in that tree all the time, swinging low to the ground.
To us and our smaller height, lighter weight and fragile bones.

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