Your car came to a shuddering halt somewhere around Aberfoyle.
Smoke poured from the bonnet as you managed to steer it into the nearest stop.
In this case a carpark - fairly empty and near some signless, dilapidated building.
Night was coming fast, dialling your breakdown provider was taking longer than it should have.
You'd dialled them from the crumpled card you found in your glove compartment.
Their policy was "always within 3 rings" but they weren't picking up now.
After redialling them a further two times someone finally answered, sounding half asleep.
When you explained the situation they quickly woke up, asking your location and problem.
You could only give a rough idea of where you were but they seemed to know anyway.
They asked you to confirm your home address for security and you thought nothing of it.
Then you were put on hold but instead of the usual tacky song you heard them call for someone.
Your name and address were passed back and forth though you only heard one side of it.
They were sending someone not to you, but to your house.
You were nowhere near there so your home was basically wide open to them, whoever they were.
They laughed at your expense and making a list of things to get, planning an escape route too.
You could hear them figure out what they should do if anyone was at home too.
By the time they spoke to you they'd already sent out their "recovery team".
Hello again, ma'am. We're sending someone to your location to recover you and your vehicle.
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