Fifty three floors, some burnt to a crisp and others barely singed.
Altogether the skyscraper was a wreck that should have been demolished years ago.
Some legal technicality over ownership and insurance kept it standing.
Despite it being fenced off and patrolled people still managed to get in.
It's still unclear if the burnt remains that keep being found are theirs or the original tenants.
I remember seeing it go from my apartment in the tower block across from it.
I used to communicate with some guy over there via telescope and charades.
Never thought I'd end up using it to watch his family burn to death as he jumped off the balcony.
Didn't see him hit the floor, his name wasn't in the death toll.
He's still missing but I reckon he's still in there.
Sometimes I catch movement when I do my evening scope of the place.
I've been keeping my eyes peeled for urban explorers, tattling on them to the security guards.
It's not safe in there - how are people not getting this still?
They are followed the minute they step inside by these smoky vaguely-people-shaped waifs.
The worst part is that these things, these remnants know I watch and they put on shows.
Those poor trespassers are dangled out of the highest windows like puppets, waving limply.
Eventually the creatures get bored and let them drop or finish them off.
If they drop they turn to smoke and become like their killers, same if they're killed directly.
Some days the windows are full of them all waving and jumping about.
Still haven't figured out if they're signalling for me to join them or for belated help.
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