Day 512

I went back to the old waterpark my family went to on our yearly holiday down south.
Ever since mum died fifteen years back we'd stopped going.
Thought it was time to finally revisit the old place we'd had so many good memories of.
I'd invited my older brother to come along and he said he'd meet me inside.
Emailed me a photo of the hole in the wire fencing he'd found.

I arrived there at about five in the morning, the best time to sneak into these places.
He texted saying he was by the old elephant fountain he adored as a kid.
Figured I'd leave him to it and wander around by myself for a while, just reminiscing.
I never expected it to have gotten so run-down so fast.
Everything not nailed down had been broken and the rest was heavily graffitied.

At least the old waterslides were still usable, if a little grubby.
I tossed my backpack down one just to make sure it was clear inside.
As I waited for it at the pool where it finished I saw a large brownish lump slowly oozing down.
When it got closer I saw that my backpack had gotten caught in something dead.
The bundle of bones and faded fabric that hit the concrete pool's floor with a damp thud.

After the initial moment of panic I realised that the poor thing had been dead for many years.
I'm glad I was wearing gloves - nobody wants to touch a corpse, especially one so wet.
Something brown was oozing from it and all over my backpack (which was dead to me at this point).
As quickly as I could I removed the essentials and left the rest to get on my way out.

From there I went to the old carousel, it had been my favourite place to go.
It used to have this waterfall effect along the centre column and little jets along the edges.
Now the sea-themed animals were covered in sprayed-on slurs and tags.
I walked around the back edge and saw another slime-coated corpse.

As I began to walk further inside I saw more and more corpses on all the rides and benches.
From there I ran to the elephant fountain, wondering if my brother had seen all the bodies too.
There was one right under the fountain clutching something in its hand.
My brother's phone,mid way through a text asking if I had a drink with me - he was so thirsty,

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