The city was comprised of steel beams and ragged fabric all meshed together.
There were no roads and no streets, only cold steel walkways and narrow rooms.
Plenty of people lived there all curled up in their cubes like spiders nesting in cracked walls.
Mornings were fairly normal, all things considered.
They had families, well they were one big family of societies' stragglers and nobodies.
Somehow all of them found their way to the city and with it, they found they belonged.
There was enough work for everyone as well.
They all fit in somewhere from sewing torn rags for the walls to welding steel paths together.
Still there were some who had other... ideas.
They wanted to build bigger, add bricks and shops and bring people in.
You don't bring people into the city, people come when they have nowhere else to go.
It's a dead end for the lost and unwanted.
Those people never lasted long - found themselves falling from slippery paths
and down into the city's underbelly where rusted spikes and filth coated the ground like pus
on a festering wound.
We never let them go to waste, at least not the skin.
There's always somewhere that needs new fabric put up.
Always someone who is willing to get the job done.
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