Day 579

They keep washing up, sometimes in their tens and sometimes in the hundreds.
No family claims the bodies we find and no government claims the boats.
There are never traces of these people's identities, the boats are shoddily built and almost empty.
Void of food, beds and even engines they drift around our shores and settle in the mud.

The bodies themselves are interesting- none of them are complete.
Sometimes we only find their hands resting as if in prayer, caught in fishing nets.
Out of all the ships that washed up in the past thirty years, only one person was found whole.
Twenty six years down the line and they haven't been identified.

They haven't decomposed yet either, their corpse remains as fresh as a living person.
No sign of cellular deterioration or growth, just some kind of stasis.
The media are calling him "The Living Ghost" and "Mr Nobody".
Last week the lab that keeps him reported finding a pulse.

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