Day 583

It is December and the Carolers are out early and in force.
They sing under your windows, bringing tidings of their Lord and all His Grace.
Their unseeing clouded eyes peer through curtains and glass doors all throughout the night.
Always they leave before dawn and we have yet to figure out where they go to.

They never leave without attaining a new member, by whatever means they deem necessary.
So far this year's death count is only 3 though the new member count is 20 already.
Seems they have a new tactic - children.
Who can resist the angelic notes of a child, who isn't rendered helpless as their child's life is in peril?

Most folk are starting to evacuate their children... the usual barricades aren't working anymore.
The Carolers pale blue fingers, stiff with rigor mortis are easily able to tear down the planks.
It wasn't always like this - they used to genuinely bring us good news about deceased loved ones.
Now they take whoever they want to join in their songs.

I spoke to one last night, as unusual as it is to see them alone I've known this one all my life.
They always come to my kitchen window and sing as I make dinner for myself.
I even offered them food but I've been told they are sustained by their Lord... however that works...
This one talks in the pauses between songs, much unlike the others.

I've come to regard them as a companion though I know they will take me like so many others.
At this point it's almost a comforting thought, to join in songs with a lifelong presence.
That day is coming soon, I fear.
All I hear at night is the sound of their claws scratching the glass, weakening it so I can join them.

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