Day 606

Let's talk about Pacts.

Let's end the year on this warning.

Every year millions if not billions of us make a specific Pact without even realising it. These simplistic contracts are formed even by children, costing the lives of countless people for the sake of alleged "self improvement" and peer acceptance.

Our Resolutions are killing us.


The tradition of Resolutions harkens back to ancient times when technology was based around building a better fence to keep the wolves at bay from your cattle. They originally had dual intent as well - fortune for the self by removing it from others.

Not just removing luck.

Removing life.

What's a few more years for you at the cost of your father, your sister, your beloved grandmother? In all fairness this has probably already occurred to you. As the bells chime new year's day the Pacts are made and sealed without you even realising it.

What is your resolution?

How many have died for you already, despite each resolution ending in failure?

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