Day 638

Her wanderings had taken her far from the city streets that she was used to and right down into the shabby homes on the outskirts, gradually tapering off into forest smothered hills. She'd never taken these paths before, always taking main roads or the train to other places but never the outskirts.

They had a bit of a reputation, things turned up there that the authorities never let into the city. Still let them wreak havoc on the outskirts but that wasn't a city matter apparently. She'd been curious about the reports and blurred photos all her life, finally seizing the chance to go out and see them for herself, if they even existed at all.

As she got closer to the city's absolute edges she heard strange music, like violins and xylophones played underwater. The tune sounded so familiar, it resonated right through her and made her skin itch deep, deep down. Searching for the source she came to a row of brightly lit houses with a queue of people outside.

Something about them didn't seem right, like their skin had been stretched roughly over a frame. All loose and saggy in some places and so tight she could almost see their bones in others. One spotted her, face shadowed in the dim evening light, and beckoned her over calling her "sister". She went and stood beside him about to ask what was going on when he grabbed his upper lip and pulled upwards, dragging his face clean off revealing gleaming white bone beneath.

She felt the blood drain from her face and everything went dark as she dropped to a faint.

The beings around her brought her in with them, gently putting her onto a sofa. They tried to pull her skin off, thinking she was like them after all why else would she be there? When her skin remained stubbornly on they took matters into their own hands. If she wasn't like them before, she would be by morning.

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