Day 668

It was originally designed as an eco-experiment - the perfect combination of a modern city and a forest with a fraction of the carbon footprint. Every minute detail had been planned out decades in advance, constantly being changed with new discoveries and advances in technology until they called it their Utopia. Of course everyone knows the word 'Utopia' is cursed to the point where anywhere calling itself this falls to ruin before the first day is up.

The only difference in this Utopia was time. It never moved, the hundred thousand or so people who'd been selected to live there were little more than bones now. Nothing could move them nor get past the dense undergrowth that had formed a thick fence around the place. Their only insight into the city were the security cameras dotted throughout.

Over the years they'd observed the slowing down, loss of communication lines and eventual decaying of their Utopia. There was nothing else they could do. Talks of terminating the study began, after all what results were they yielding aside from a study of decomposition? There were no unusual signals coming from within the city, no strange electrical readings and generally no reason as to why they froze in the first place.

The talks were put on hold when someone put together a timelapse covering the past five years. It focused on a few of the well known people as the last remnants of their flesh fell away. Though it may have been a trick of the light they seemed to be still moving about, gradually carrying on with their lives as though nothing had happened. Their jaws moved in gradual conversations,some that had been going on for longer then the five year period in review. They stood up, sat down and generally behaved like normal people.

Months after this discovery someone was airlifted into the city square, equipped in a full Hazmat suit and carrying a small pistol just in case. Up close to the skeletons he informed his superiors that he could indeed see movement. Though the walkie-talkie's signal was patchy they made out most of his words, understanding that everyone's heads were gradually turning towards him, arms outstretched and beseeching.  It wasn't long before he called into them desperately begging for the helicopter to come back for him, saying they had him cornered.

Meanwhile back on the main base they could only observe this on the cameras. The skeletons movements had increased dramatically since they'd dropped that poor man down there. Feedback from cameras outside a courtyard showed that they had him surrounded by a broken fountain. He'd managed to climb to the top but they were relentlessly trying to join him. Judging by the bleeding tears in the suit they didn't mean him well.

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