Day 807

The council thought that painting the towers bright pastels would make it harder for Clingers to attack - mottled grey being their natural skin colour which tended to blend in all too well with the rough concrete exteriors of the run down homes. It backfired spectacularly as such "clever" ideas often do.

On the bright side we found out many new things about the Clingers, on the down side it was mostly how quickly they can change their skin tone and how they delighted in the colour change rather than fearing it. They embraced a wide spectrum of colours and seemed to realise quite quickly how well they'd blend in elsewhere.

The first recorded sighting of a Clinger outside of their usual hunting grounds (ranging from three to forty three storeys high). To be specific, a local primary school whose cleaning staff were very much horrified to see full grown Clingers scuttling towards them at 30mph along the walls, their skin now vibrant red and white chequered and glistening like the rest of the plastic wallpaper.

From there it spiralled quickly so that all buildings closed and locked their doors if the weather looked even vaguely cloudy and the streetlights were all replaced with brighter LED bulbs that kept Clingers to the sides of roads and whatever roof was nearest to their intended prey.

On the bright side, the towers suddenly became a safer place to live, they weren't bothering to hunt high now that they realised all the food was at ground level.

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