Day 849

The quakes had taken out a great deal of the old prison-turned-museum, dragging half of it down the hill and exposing the remaining half right down to the foundations. Everyone was too preoccupied trying to survive, rebuild and recuperate to bother with a museum that hadn't caused any damage to the rest of the town to properly explore the remains.

When the council finally found the resources to allocate a team to evaluate the level of damage and salvage what they could, they found that there was a whole new section underneath the foundations. Hundreds of cells were crammed beneath the concrete with at least eight skeletons inside each one, all in uniform and all reaching upwards with their manacled hands.

It wasn't made public until they had some kind of basis behind it, some reason for these people to have been given such a slow death. What they died of was easy to determine, among the bones there were only three complete skeletons that showed no signs of teeth marks. In other words they ate their way to survival until they eventually succumbed to either starvation or asphyxiation.

It's hard to say what was kinder, to die quicker and know that your body will be eaten or to slowly black out with a full stomach.

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