Day 894

Though they had long since come to the conclusion that the sea levels were in fact not rising and remained the same depth throughout their fifty year study, they instead found that the land was sinking and somehow not affecting the water levels. At all.

It baffled scientists on a global scale, causing mass debriefings and proposed studies that all focused on the continents and what was causing them to gradually descend into the sea. One proposed study involved digging to the very depths of the earth's crust, past the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (or LAB) until they hit the mantle where the tectonic plates rest on ever flowing molten rock.

This plan was liked, it sounded complicated enough that the general public believed it and simple enough that the scientific community reckoned they could do it. They had no idea what they would find but their theorising began, possibility after possibility tumbling out and onto paper. Their names would always be remembered but not as heroes, as heralds.

It hadn't been done before, the extreme temperatures made it nearly impossible and yet a material was developed that could withstand the heat, the pressure and the distance the drill would have to travel before it hit the target point. They had chosen a shallower area of the crust to make it a little easier on themselves though they were criticised for not drilling in one of the continents that was sinking the fastest but in this scenario criticism was bound to happen regardless of destination.

To do what hasn't been done before in all of history is truly exciting, especially when the discovery has the potential to save civilisation as they knew it. With every mile the drill travelled the livestream's viewers tripled and quadrupled in number, with the majority of the world looking on in curiosity and fear as the machine ploughed deeper than  humanity had ever done before.

They weren't expecting to hit a cavern instead of the LAB and yet the footage, data and weight put onto the slow-release cord all agreed that the machine was plummeting down towards what appeared to be a foot as large as Madagascar. The brief minutes of feed gave the barest glimpse as the rest of the creature that was definitely breathing and trying to sit up.

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