Day 941

There's something moving in the staff fridge. I've been sat here on my lunch break trying to figure out what it is. At first I thought it was the heating system - you know how old buildings and new pipes don't always mix and somehow the pipes rattle about like there's a tornado in the walls or whatever but the walls weren't moving. The fridge, however was - is.

It's been gently rocking from side to side and there's a sort of scuffling sound like fabric rubbing together with the occasional metallic scrape thrown in. I tried to ask my coworker what it was all about but the second he came in and saw the fridge moving he literally ran out so I can only assume this is worse than I thought.

Still the urge to open the door is very strong, just enough to have a little peek and see if I'm dealing with some hellspawn rat that's out for my soul or maybe just a regular rat that bit a hole in the back of the fridge and is now stuck. I'd do it for sure if I could be certain that I wouldn't get mauled and end up with rabies from some panicked pest.

For now I guess I'll shut off the fridge's power and turn it around so the door is facing the wall. If there's a hole in the back then the little pest can get itself sorted out and if not then I don't want to know what I'm dealing with really.

So it may have started growling as soon as I touched the door but at least it can't get me if it won't open, right?

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