Day 984

When E-Graves came out people were quite sceptical, even going so far as calling it sacrilegious and tasteless. Still the first few recordings were made and saved to a global database to await their creator's deaths. These messages would then be embedded within the gravestone, ready to be activated via the app (just a quick area scan and the screen would light up with the hazy outlines of user's faces, ready to speak with a single tap).

The first few were successes, the creators were congratulated in solemn tones while people came from around the world to the five original sites just to see the dead talking. Most messages talked about loved ones and how the deceased wanted to be remembered in the moment they were recorded, ignoring how age warped them as their messages progressed throughout several years.

After a few decades with no negative impact, E-Graves became just another part of our funeral rites as people would sit and listen to their grandparents reminisce about their wedding day or the birth of their first child as if they were talking through a webcam.

The issues didn't come along until a severe storm hit E-Graves' head quarters and central data bank. Their entire office was flooded, the data banks simultaneously damaged by the rising water levels and overloaded by electrical surges from stray lightning that hit far too many times to be just a coincidence.

From then onwards the E-Grave users began to change their messages and even their appearance in some cases, their flesh seeming to melt away into a flurry of maggots until they were nothing but bones that cried out for help, to be pulled out from burning pits and damnation. Of course these were the more extreme cases, the "lesser" ones were only categorised as such for their lack of visual disturbance, what they actually said was a lot more disturbing.

The system somehow managed to further integrate with the user's app devices, namely the speakers and microphone, seemingly listening in as people passed their graveyards by. They learned names and asked for those people to visit only to appear as full figures and not the faces that were programmed in.

Even when E-Graves was officially shut down, they had no idea how to remedy their mistake. The programme wasn't responding to them any more and the graves that were already set up continued to wreak havoc on any user who came within their radius. Even when their stones were destroyed, they still stood by their bodies like sentinels.

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