Day 1,001

Blood flowed sluggishly from the wound in his side but Operator_325 did not move to tend to it. Any sudden moves would alert the target to his location and any further encounters with the target had a predicted 87% chance of severe to lethal injury on his part.

They hadn't paid him enough to do this.

In hindsight Operator_325 knew he should have demanded more for dealing with a Class 3 inter-dimensional being but he thought himself lucky to be sought for employment at all since his last job tanked, leaving him fused to his Sky Suit and the Class 3 fused with a wall. His ma always said he'd make one hell of a flyboy but she probably didn't mean it like this... at least he hoped so.

A series of sharp clicking hisses and an overwhelming waft of brimstone pulled him back from his musings just in time to slowly crawl backwards into a shady corner just as the target came in sight. Standing at around 8 feet tall, now hunched over in the narrow storage room, it was one of the larger targets he'd had over his career and one hell of a way to ease himself back into business.

Flicking the sound reduction filter into place, taking a deep (and potentially final) breath he raised his quell phaser and fired, praying to every deity he'd heard of that it would meet its mark.

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