Day 1,096

If the dearly departed decide they don't want to leave, there's very little you can do to make them go. The afterlife isn't so much the next step as it is an optional exploration of other post-life possibilities. For every soul in the world there are at least a dozen or so potential ways they can go when they eventually shuffle off their mortal coil.

There's the religious way - the most common way. Be it Hell, Purgatory or Nirvana there are practically limitless celestial sections for the deceased to linger in for all eternity. Most choose to believe they were good enough in their lives to go straight for the top tiers only to find themselves mingling aimlessly with a crowd of mediocre people who believed the exact same thing about their own pious selves.

Religion aside, or lack thereof, the atheist's post-life possibilities are always more constricted. For those who believe in nothing, to nothing they go. A lightless void that is somehow both crammed full and utterly empty of the equally departed. Not a pleasant place but a potential place.

It's either the Great Nothing or they become wandering, flittering fractions of their former selves who drift from post-life A to B seeking somewhere they can settle. The thing that the living never know, that they're never made aware of is that if they don't believe their soul will go somewhere to rest for all eternity, they can't rest. Not a single post-life will accept them for long before they are forced to move onwards.

For those who refuse to die, the stubborn few who cling onto people, objects or even circumstances, there will never be anything for them but the fear of the living. We aren't meant to be around forever, the mind just isn't made for it and the soul certainly isn't either. When you get an individual who is so stubborn to live that their soul remains stuck to their death bed, then you start having problems.

Poltergeist are the best known form of this, when the dearly departed stop being so dear to everyone and start taking out their frustrations instead. As if it's everyone else's fault they died (though sometimes it may be), and as if it will make them any less dead than they already were.

The stubborn dead will hold onto anything close to them if they think it'll give them a shot at living just that little bit longer. Some even go so far as to force another's soul out of their body and when that happens, honestly, there's nothing to be done.

A soul removed before they can fully comprehend what's happening is a soul lost to itself.

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