Day 1,146

For almost eighty years the corporation known as Lima & Wyatt Biological Investments have acted as captors and observers for three thousand classified species of fae. Around late October several subspecies of fae emerge from their summer-induced slumber and wreak their own unique form of terror upon whichever humans are unlucky enough to be monitoring their biodomes.

With the sole Dullahan specimen this mainly involves them luring the horses from the Fiphengest-Waet feeding preparation area and spooking them whenever a human is nearby. No matter how many signs there are warning of this, insider reports claim that five staff members have been killed by rogue horses so far this week.

As Samhain draws closer, the Dullahan grows stronger. Our last report claimed it could now partially phase through solid materials, making it much harder to contain. Although it has been kept sated thus far with death row inmates, they don't seem to satisfy it for long and it's been eyeing up the keeper's necks. It's always in want of a new head.

Other fae who are more active this time of year are the phooka who has taken to mimicking the mauling of staff members so as to spur the keepers into their biodome. The reports claim that there are over fifty in that single dome alone yet all the thermal-readings show three. Either our insider's spent too much time around them and they've gotten into his head or they've killed and replaced him, hoping we'll pull him out soon.

We won't know for certain until we can get him to use his iron-laced Comm.

He'll either report visually in three days or we'll send his family our condolences and send in another.

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