Day 1,155

The only time you'll ever see a human is the reflection of train lights bouncing off our eyes as we stare out at a society that claims to not need us any more. When our world became the centre of the allied universe, we quickly found out how unwanted humanity was.

With a world that was rich in natural resources and with enough off-world tech to reverse and negate the vast majority of the damage we'd caused over the millennia, it became very apparent that we weren't actually needed.

It was the little things like the missed memos, major discoveries that we had no part in - and not for a lack of desire. We crave the unexplainable and unobtainable so much so that we hurled message after message into the void amidst the stars before we ever considered our worth as a people compared to the worth of our planet.

We began to realise that we were outnumbered and unwanted -  dangerous combination. As word spread between nations through our "primitive" networks, a tension grew between us and our allies. No name was ever given to it, no discussions were had nor were there any attempts to halt or even vaguely delay our plans.

They never saw it coming, never for one moment even suspected that humanity was able to just vanish without so much as a warning. They thought we'd found our way into the fae realm through the multitude of was we'd warned our children against, they wondered if we'd left for new stars in our sudden silence.

They never thought to look below or within our creations. We see them all through the cracks between walls, down in the depths of the subways where the glint of our eyes is all that reveals our existence and right in the heart of their governmental buildings where the vents are big enough for a  child of ours to walk through.

We have always been pursuit predators.

We can and will wait them out either until they find another world or they forget us entirely.

We'll walk into myth and comeback out as the monsters they prayed we weren't.

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