Day 1,187

She turned back just in time to see the entire island implode as the formerly dormant creature beneath inhaled. Birds shrieked and hurtled past their boat which, in spite of the engine's running dangerously close to full throttle, was slowly being dragged back towards the now gaping mouth.

As they were pulled closer, its teeth became visible as did the barnacle-crusted lips that were drawing back into a vicious snarl. Time seemed to pause for what felt like hours as the creature stopped breathing, frozen in place before it began to twitch. The water jerked, the waves disrupted and sent into a confused frenzy until the world erupted.

It may have been easier to say that the creature sneezed out the island it had inhaled, showering the ocean around it with debris  - living and otherwise - before it slunk down a few hundred metres, its blue tinged skin blending in with the rocky base of the ocean floor.

As for the boat, most of the crew were crushed in the ensuing fallout and those that survived that slowly suffocated as several thousand tonnes of sand gradually settled over the course of the net six months. By that point the boat was little more than the basis for a new island, a replacement for the one lost to the creature yet still dangerously close.

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