Day 1,206

The waiting rooms are empty.

The staff room is empty.

The Doctors are on the prowl again.

They leave through a carefully concealed vent and surface somewhere near a new cul-de-sac that doesn't yet have a warning siren. In spite of the local laws that forbid the introduction of new tenants into such areas, three houses were lit up and full of life.

The Doctors began the search for new patients, starting with the furthest and leaving a few Doctors crouched by the vent in case anybody tried to run. The best thing about new builds is that they exist around a single main road and others is ever any danger people instinctively head towards it.

The next best thing about new builds is that they don't link them to any network until every home is inhabited. Anything that isolates a potential patient is well worth the hassle of crawling through spider-infested vents deep below the utterly ignorant town.

Now at this point you may be wondering where the Nurses are and to that I provide the age-old saying "behind every Doctor are three tired Nurses" and they are always so very tired. They walk like they'e in a trance, their eyes so sunken that they no longer open as they softly bump into each other, trying to keep pace with their counterparts.

It's the Nurses who break into the homes and begin the assssments while a Doctor scours the perimeter for stragglers and would-be escapees. After an initial tranquilising dose has been administered they are moved to the security of the waiting room and the silence of the hospital breaks like their bones.

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