Day 1,256

There's something about the way they stare at me with their glazed eyes that reflect only the insides of their heads, something about the way they call me mummy just makes my blood turn to ice. My wife keeps telling me that there's nothing wrong with them, that they're just reaching that "awkward age" as if that means anything.

I've seen a few other kids like them, varying ages too but never any adults. It makes me wonder why. Perhaps they are meant to be ended before they can mature, before they finish developing into whatever hollow creatures they are.

Did someone slip something into me during the pregnancy? Did one of the multitude of blood tests somehow change my babies into these human shapes that are becoming less and less like children by the day? And if so, what will they do when they're grown up?

I know it's some kind of conspiracy, only three other parents have agreed with me on this while every other forum has banned and reported me. Good luck on them finding me though, my details are as fake as my VPN and by the time I am found I'll be done anyway.

I know my children are hollow and I'm going to prove it.

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