Day 1,258

We reckoned it was some kind of podcastat first, one of those Real War Stories deals. Honestly we were so surprised that an unplugged radio in the middle of a forest was even working that we didn't put much thought into the how or why of it all.

We should have left it there, Ty shouldn't have taken it home and we shouldn't have been so quick to agree with him. Ever since he took it he hasn't been himself, it's like he's gone and this new person is wearing his face and begging his parents to let them join the cadets so they can get into the army.

The Ty we knew was a pacifist.

I think we interrupted it - the radio, that is. Whatever it was doing out in the woods, whoever the soldiers were and whichever was they were in, they should have been left alone. Maybe if we broke the radio it'd bring Ty back, or at least let him go.

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