I have forgotten what your face looked like in natural light
In the days before we came to be here, wherever here was... is...
The sickly green glow of the half chewed glowsticks,always smothered by the dark, is all I can remember now.
"What did we do? Before we were here," you asked me, eyes pleading for an answer I still don't have.
Perhaps you asked me yesterday, perhaps it was years ago.
Time's always the same when there's no true light.
"I think we still did this." I told you, after leaving a silence filled with feeble "maybe"s passing as answers.
You tried to laugh, at least I think you did.
Truth be told, I'm not sure how you were able to make that noise.
I don't think you could before we came here.
In the days before we came to be here, wherever here was... is...
The sickly green glow of the half chewed glowsticks,always smothered by the dark, is all I can remember now.
"What did we do? Before we were here," you asked me, eyes pleading for an answer I still don't have.
Perhaps you asked me yesterday, perhaps it was years ago.
Time's always the same when there's no true light.
"I think we still did this." I told you, after leaving a silence filled with feeble "maybe"s passing as answers.
You tried to laugh, at least I think you did.
Truth be told, I'm not sure how you were able to make that noise.
I don't think you could before we came here.
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