Day 1,301

It could have all gone so very differently if she hadn't've stared quite so long at the house with no number nor name. It didn't like to be noticed, tried to blend itself into the pastel suburban outskirts as best it could but never remembering the minor details that drew the gaze to all its fractured normalities.

For all it tried it had never gotten the hang of doors. To have a part of its body just open out into the world and leave its interior vulnerable to all manner of vermin was just unthinkable. Unfortunately as it had panicked and chosen the form of a house, omitting such essential details only made it more of a spectacle.

She was the last straw, the last pair of eyes boring into its delicate shingled frame as if she wanted to burn through to its core just to see what it was made of. It didn't like that... it didn't like that one bit. All it took was a sign in the window, three simple words ROOM FOR RENT and she was hooked.

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