Day 1,435

The undead didn't just pop out of the ground all at once, it was more like people just stopped dying so quickly... and eventually, at all. It started with the elderly living far beyond their predicted lifespans, people were hitting their hundred and twentieth birthday at a steadily increasing rate and nobody thought to be concerned back then.

The elongated lifespan was put down to a mixture of better medical care and whatever made-up mumbo jumbo the elderly came up with when asked what made them live for so long. How were we meant to know that it was the beginning of the end of all life?

We only really started seeing this when murder victims stopped being murdered and just stood up in the morgue or as they were being put into body bags. The worst of it wasn't their physical injuries, wasn't the stench of death and decay that lingered around them, it was how calm they were.

It was absolutely nothing like the movies, apart from the brief mass hysteria and sharp increase in murder and re-murder of the living dead. They were just so relaxed about the whole thing, no matter how many times they were shot, stabbed or burned they just said "it'll heal" and carried on as if they weren't missing most of their limbs and a good portion of their head.

Like anything, we adapted to them and now we all feel compelled to take bigger and bolder risks.

After all, life without death holds no threat.

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