Day 1,443

At first, they didn't want you to know about the oddities and peculiarities at Hotel Larchgrove. You were just temporarily filling in for their usual on-site handyman while she recovered from a work related accident that they were never able to describe to you.

Back then you just thought they were either genuinely clueless or they didn't want to frighten you off with anything potentially lawsuit-worthy. For weeks you and the rest of the staff danced around the elephant in the room all while they kept giving you oddly specific instructions each and every day.

Some were related to the guests (Mr. Fitzibbit has a phobia of necks so please wear this scarf), some were related to the grounds (the tides are a little unpredictable so all shifts are based around these two tidal times,all the others are a lie) and some were just plain... odd...(if you smell lilacs and oranges then head to the staff room and have a big cup of coffee - don't ask why).

They only offered you the job full time after their official handyman died of unexpected complications. You'd later learn that this meant Mr Fitzibbit had caught sight of her neck one day and left her barely breathing, later going back to finish his meal.

He wasn't the only person-who-wasn't-technically-a-human within the hotel. In fact most of the long-term residents were a something or other, as was the assistant manager, most of the kitchen staff, the gardener and the postman. They were all things you either never heard of, like Jerry (who said he was a Blódgéotend which translated to something distinctly... leech-like... something older than vampires like Mr Fitzibbit) or the usual typical Hollywood monster.

It took a while but he got used to the... quirks of the long-term residents at Hotel Larchgrove. They weren't any less deadly for it and only marginally less terrifying but understanding and acceptance can only get you so far when your duties include corpse disposal and picking out bones stuck between teeth as long as your legs.

At least it wasn't retail.

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