Day 1,513

My mother always loved bees. Her entire garden was built for them from the plants she grew to the little bowls of sugar water she refilled every day. We always said she was one buzz away from getting a beehive and she'd just laugh with us.

It was fitting how she was found, it was what she would have wanted.

She used to go on these long walks through the nearby woods and spend hours just treading the same paths she trod before my siblings and I had even been born. Half the walkways were made from her footsteps and the other half were the official ones.

That's where they found her, one of her walkways.

That's why it took them so long, by the time the dogs sniffed her out she was barely recognisable as human. It was only when they peeled back the layers of beeswax that you could even see her bones. Even those were as riddled with holes as the rest of her, full of fat little larvae writhing in their pits.

Strangely enough, there were no bee anywhere near her.

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