Day 1,524

The worms were bioengineered to eat inorganic waste, our ultimate eco-solution. Theoretically they were meant to grow to about nine feet in length and thirty centimeters in width but, like all our creations, they adaptations surpassed every barrier we put in place.

Every landfill site we tested them in was emptied in hours and we were too busy congratulating ourselves on our successes to count how many worms were returned to us. Who can say how many originally escaped, all we know now is that somewhere along the line they began to eat meat.

Perhaps a batch was contaminated by a stray piece of hair or a fingerprint or maybe we throw away so much food that they were eventually left with nothing but that to eat. Maybe there were just to many bodies hidden under all the detritus that they began to learn that these too were waste.

The few of us that have survived are stuck out at sea or up in the sky. What little fuel we have left isn't enough to keep us airbound and we fear surviving the impact. We never programmed the worms to feel empathy or pain, they don't even know they've killed.

I don't know if I should pity them or pity us.

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