Day 1,575

Nobody ever used the shower cubicles in the girl's changing room and the teachers could never understand why yet none of them ever went inside for no apparent reason. We were always left to change for sports by ourselves with the teacher waiting outside trying not to look as nervous as they felt.

The first time we heard singing coming from the plughole someone ran to try and tell but they were just told to stop lying and get dressed. It wasn't just the wind racing through a hole in the pipes somewhere, we decided that right from the start. There were clear words being sung and we all remembered the hymn from assembly "Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed".

With every verse it sung, the floor of the cubicles began to bulge as if something was trying to push its way up. With every verse it sung another voice joined in, steadily growing louder as more and more and more sang along while we pressed ourselves against the furthest wall and tried to change as fast as we could.

We all ran out of there before the voice could finish the final verse, half of us crying and half near hyperventilating from the sheer terror we experienced and the lingering fear of knowing that we would all have to go back after class,not knowing if there would be anything waiting for us when we got back.

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