Day 1,594

They only wanted us for our skin so we took it all off. We built ourselves isolated chambers to make sure we never dried out, became too cold or developed infections. It was a time for trial-and-error and so many died in the process, too many for any graveyard to hold but their bodies are left to rot away outside.

We speak to each other every day, no visuals allowed. Most of us don't want to think about the state of our facesand we lose a few dozen every month to suicide as a result. Still, many more lives have been saved by giving away our skins and preserving our meat.

At first we thought that they were eating our skin as a lizard does when shedding but last week I saw myself stumbling about outside. I was laughing and falling and picking myself up again and falling and falling and tearing myself to shreds until I could see the creature who was using my skin for its own amusement.

I'll admit I didn't react too well. I screamed and cursed at it until it threw my skin back to me, though at that point it resembled rags more than anything else. Several others have reported similar instances of the creatures wearing their skin and parading about as mockeries of humanity.

For what it's worth, I'll happily take this over death.

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