Day 1,602

The only light for miles around was the flashing orange of the indicators and the insipid torch he was using to read a book while he waited for help to arrive. He'd rung some local mechanic who knew exactly where he was when he mentioned a run-down bus stop with a crucifix hanging over it. They'd said to stay put, stay quiet and stay absolutely still if he saw anything unusual.

Being in the middle of the lake district, unusual people and creatures were as abundant as they were vocal and every odd encounter he suffered through made him miss the repetitive nature of the city just that little bit more. Adding a smoking engine to the list only made him regret ever wanting to leave in the first place.

It was a case of trading one set of evils for another - sure, he could actually breathe the air without feeling the dust settling into his lungs but then he'd been told by a waiter that the beef was locally sourced and every cow he'd seen looked half-mutilated already... at least the death rate was somewhat lower.

The rhythmic orange glow from the indicators coupled with the otherwise quiet atmosphere soon settled his disgruntlement and he began to doze off behind the wheel. In-between lethargic blinks he saw a herd of cows approaching his car in absolute silence, crippled legs moving in perfect synch while their heads (or what little remained) jolted on their shoulders like they'd been struck by lightning.

He woke up startled as something - someone knocked on the car door.

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