Day 1,656

The castle has too many hidden entrances for the council to spot them all and seal them off under the guise of "public safety" without actually telling us what we were being kept safe from. It was implied that there were structurally unsound tunnels running the length and breadth of the town but nobody confirmed or denied anything.

We just went along with it, as you do. The whole 'it doesn't bother me so I won't bother it' attitude was a staple to our town and the reason we managed to stay relatively unscathed by all the unexplainable deaths that plagued our neighbours.

We could have gotten through the next century utterly untouched by it all but someone went and stumbled across an old entrance that the council missed. It was a large grate tucked away behind a holly tree at the far end of the castle gardens, measured about six by three feet, rusted as all hells with an iron lock that snapped apart with a single tug.

Things might have been fine if the idiot went down by himself but no! He went and grabbed a few friends and they all went down into the tunnel with nothing to protect them but the light from their phones and that teenage bravado that makes them all think they're invincible.

They were found a few hours later in the dungeons - flayed, chained to a wall and babbling on the eyes within the stones. Unsurprisingly they all died within minutes of each other in St Mary's hospital and whatever had killed them was now left to roam free.

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