Day 1,663

It's not very often that you get to meet another survivor, much less one who's so well equipped. Every corpse or old campout you came across seemed to have been picked clean already. You assumed the stranger had gotten there before you, had more luck than you. Nothing odd about that.

What was odd was the soft clicking your C-Dar constantly made in their presence. For a few days you chalked it down to the area and higher concentration of abnormal entities that seemed to linger about. None of them bothered you while you were with the stranger, you figured that safety in numbers must mean something to the abnormals too.

Sure their teeth looked a little odd and their speech patterns had unusual inflections but they were human and you were human and you were quite possibly the only ones in the area that weren't obligate carnivores with a penchant for food that could scream.

Red flags were all around them and you and everything about the damned world so that by the time you realised that the stranger was some kind of abnormal entity too - you were too late. It knew enough about you to predict how you would react, it had your scent memorised and knew all your little hidey holes too.

Well, almost all of them.

From your cave you had a pretty good view of the bridge it was pacing - furiously trying to track you as the wind shared your scent to the entire valley. Luckily there were enough overhanging plants to conceal the entrance. Unluckily the stranger was now dumping all of your supplies over the bridge...

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