Day 1,684

Nobody quite knows exactly what or how much we dump into the ocean, we just know it happens. We weren't even told that a nanite-based steriliser was accidentally poured away until the oceans turned completely transparent and all life within was utterly wiped out.

Seventy one percent of the planet made perfectly uninhabitable and perfectly sterile in a matter of months. Anyone who swam in the aseptic sea and survived was said to have had their sins cleansed as well as having their natural microcosm eradicated. They survived mere hours afterwards but in those few precious hours they were closer to God than any of us.

Unsurprisingly the places with little to no rain lasted the longest. The rain may have been weaker than the main bodies of water but it had a tendency to soak straight through the buildings and cleanse you, whether you wanted it to or not.

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