Day 1,774

It said it was an angel and I was so young that I didn't know any better.

I opened my window and let it in, not even realising what it would do til I was the only one left in the house.

First to go was my dad when he went to visit the shops. The cat brought part of his face home and left it on the doormat, The rest of his body was found in bits and pieces over the course of seven months with nothing to say who had killed him, only that he was dead and torn to shreds. Mum never told them about the blood and hair we pulled out of all the plugholes.

The next to go was my sister when she tried to sneak out of the house to go to a friend's party. It was made to look like the window had snapped shut on her neck, killing her in an instant. A neighbour had even claimed to have witnessed it but I have a feeling that their kid let in an angel too. He looks at me in school like he knows what we've done.

The last to go was my mum -  distraught, exhausted and full of grief. I'm sure you can figure out the rest. The newspapers read like a broken record of "poor her and her poor child, all alone in the world now" but they are wrong.I've still got the angel and its been following me now for years.

Whenever I enter a building, if I can, I'll open a window for it.

Everyone needs an angel in their home.


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