Day 1,874

We ran out onto the frozen lake, praying the ice was thick enough to hold us all and knowing that it wasn't.

We had no other choice. Our alternative meant heading back into town and facing the creatures that were trying to wear the skins of our cattle and failing. In all fairness to them, they weren't built for delicate or precise movements - they were built to harvest our crops with deep, sharp swings that would have cut down entire fields of wheat in minutes.

Now they were being used to cut us down instead and to reclaim our lives for their own. They'd caught glimpses inside our cars and our homes and they decided they wanted this for themselves. Whether or not we agreed was inconsequential.

They started small, skinning whatever rodents they found while they worked and making it seem like the critters had run into their bladed arms when in fact they'd been hunted down and killed slowly. It wasn't long before they moved onto bigger things - birds, stray cats and dogs and most recently our cattle.

We'd been their end goal all along and we'd ignored every red flag, choosing to wear rose-tinted glasses and see just regular flags. Now we were shivering and huddling and silently crying as the ice creaked and groaned we wished it had all been different.

We wished they hadn't found us so quickly.

We wished they hadn't tried to come out to us.

We wished drowning was a faster way to go.

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