Day 1,928

It acted... different to how we expected. From the old documents we found in the wreck of Professor Keller's study it was supposed to be nocturnal and unlikely to harm humans but when we found it in the old abbey it had already begun to assemble its nest.

It's hard to say what was worse - the mangled corpses or the swarming flies or the stench or sight of the creature slowly rising up from the nest, shaking bone fragments and clumps of viscera from its tangled mane. Against all better judgement I crouched and made my way closer, I felt I had to carry on the Professor's research.

From my new hiding place crouched behind a load-bearing pile of bodies I caught glimpses of its face as it turned its head this way and that, scenting the air and displaying a rather intimidating set of gnarled teeth. Its eyes were a glossy white with faint grey pupils that I assumed were cataracts.

I was so entrenched in my studying I scarcely paid attention to the way its head seemed to sway closer and closer to me. I didn't even notice how it was slowly angling its entire body towards me. I did start to notice the way the corpses all seemed to be meshed together, almost breathing in an organic web rather than the mutilated heap I first assumed.

One of the corpses opened an eye and hissed out "Keep still, it sees you."

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