Day 1,969

Our town is technically two villages separated by a river but ever since the put a bridge down and hyphenated the names we were officially merged, much to our dismay. They only made things worse when they added new infrastructure right along the river's edge - a place we'd deliberately and successfully avoided building by for a multitude of damned good reasons.

Of course every excuse we thought of was overruled by logic or profit or just plain ignorance until we had houses, shops and schools all along its banks. They even put a damned hospital right by the cascades like it wasn't ever going to be an issue.

It's been almost three years to the day since the hospital opened and it already has the highest mortality rate in the county. Nobody but us locals has put two-and-two together and realised that the river is taking its dues at an unprecedented rate.

The cascades used to be a site for sacrifice back in the old days (and far more recently than we'd care to admit). Those little stone steps have seen more blood than half the battlegrounds in the country and now the deaths may be bloodless but their souls are heading downstream regardless.

Places like this have a pull - spill enough blood anywhere and sooner or later you'll get the same effect. Death draws death and what better place for it than a hospital with a thriving terminal ward. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was deliberately done.

It would certainly explain how the town is flourishing when everywhere around us is falling apart.

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