Day 2,005

The house stood out among the others on our road - a squat and derelict little thing that always had something new haphazardly placed in the front yard. Most days it was miscellaneous broken furniture or large bags of dirt which we hoped meant the owners were fixing the back garden with the aim of fixing the whole place up.

We'd been hoping that for over twenty years and its still the same state as it was when we first moved here. Well, some things have changed with time. They never used to make any noise before but now we hear them talking to each other in frantic hushed snippets of conversation.

Nobody's ever seen anyone come or go in all their years. Nobody brings food to the house or mows the yard or opens a window in the middle of summer. It's almost like there's nobody living there and people are just dumping their trash to make it seem like someone still lives there.

That's what we started to assume until the pavement collapsed and we found out about the vast labyrinth of tunnels they'd been digging all this time. We weren't allowed in but someone heard from someone in the police station that they reached all the way to the town hall... in the neighbouring town.

They never caught the residents though - they'd long since vanished into the tunnels and we didn't think we'd ever see them again until three years later when someone turned the lights on in the middle of the night and the whispering resumed...

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