Day 2,021

The streetlight bends down to greet you with more teeth than they usually have at this time of year. Its breath smells like a fresh kill and its glow is dim with content, you were safe enough to hear what it had to say this time.

And it had so much to tell you, most of which you didn't want to hear.

It told you what your friends say when you part ways to walk home. They plan to throw eggs and stones at your house and console you to your face whilst laughing behind your back. The streetlight says it isn't the first time they've done this and they plan to do worse in the future.

It told you about the accidents they would meet in the upcoming weeks which centered around other living streetlights who weren't choosy about their prey like this one was. There were so many ways in which someone could find themselves staring a streetlight in the gullet and they were eagerly described.

It also told you about the man who'd been following you most nights and now knew where you live. It licked its stained lips and declared that he wouldn't be a problem because that's what real friends do - they protect each other and you had been protected.

It said you owed it a debt now as it rose to its full height and pretended to not be real.

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