Day 2,048

"It's looking with its sight." she hissed as all their heads turned towards me and I knew there wouldn't be an excuse to get me out of this one. I'd used too many already and blamed good fortune so often I can scarcely stand to say the word anymore. I didn't think they'd give me a chance to.

I'd been hiding right in front of them for almost five months, barely one step in front of their suspicions at any given moment but it was enough to keep me alive. I did everything they did, at least I had them convinced I was.

When they went hunting I made sure to be near last, to appear somewhat capable without actually having to murder another human in cold blood. Turns out you can rub enough human blood onto deer meat and they think it's all the same. Scent was the easiest thing to fool.

When they gathered in their swarm of several hundred I was close to the outskirts of our little group with the excuse of wanting to protect their backs. I was always thinking of mine first and foremost but they didn't need to know that. To them I was a weakling trying to prove myself and that suited me just fine. Loyalty was the easiest thing to turn to.

When they stopped referring to me as a person I should have been more suspicious, raised more of a right but I just laughed and rolled with it - anything to keep the mask up for one more day. If only one of the other humans hadn't spotted me and tried to rescue me.

If only I hadn't pointed out that there were humans on the nearby roof poised to attack. They might have killed enough of the pack that I could have escaped and found my way into one of the coveted sanctuaries instead of sprinting away to crawl into the meat pile and wait for them to carry the hunt forwards.

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